Sell Tickets On Your WordPress Site With Eventbee Tickets Widget Plugin
Eventbee has a WordPress Tickets Widget plugin that allows event
managers to embed tickets box on their WordPress site. The Eventbee
plugin is designed to help event managers easily integrate ticket
selling on their site with few simple steps.
To add the Eventbee Tickets Widget to your WordPress site, follow the
instructions below:
- 1. Click here to download file or
- 2. Log in to your WordPress site, and go to Plugins > Add new
- 3. Click on upload Plugin button, then choose "" file to upload and click on Install Now.
    OR     Type "eventbee" in the search field and click on Install Now - 4. Click on Activate Plugin link and on successful activation you'll be taken to Installed Plugin screen.
- 5. Copy the highlighted part from the description section.
- 6. Go to Page and select your site page where you wish to integrate Eventbee Tickets Widget.
- 7. In the text section, paste the copied data i.e.,     [eventbeeticketwidget frameid="1" eid="880294224" width="700"] where ever you wish to place the Eventbee Tickets Widget and click on Publish button.
- 8. After all successful above steps, you can find Eventbee Tickets Widget on your WordPress site.

frameid="1" You can place more than one widget in a page by just giving unique frameid's.
eid="???"Login into your Eventbee account and get the eid from corresponding event.
You can set the width of the widget, default width is 700.
You can set the width of the widget, default width is 700.
ORYou can also get the code from Eventbee Manager console, login into Eventbee site and select the corresponding event. Go to Integration > WordPress Ticket Widget.